Zhiqing Wan

Best Warrior Falls Decks in Marvel Snap

Pool 1 Spectrum Ongoing Deadpool Deathwave Destroyer

Most of these decklists lean into the Warrior Falls location effect, with cards that actually benefit from getting destroyed. However, for the newer Marvel Snap players who might still be in Pools 1 and 2, there are some cards that you can use to mitigate the downside of Warrior Falls as well.

Spectrum Ongoing

Antman Nightcrawler Angela Armor Colossus Lizard Mister Fantastic The Punisher Jessica Jones Namor Klaw Spectrum

The most basic decklist to use in Pools 1 and 2 is the Spectrum Ongoing list. With cards like Colossus and Armor, you’ll be able to completely circumvent the negative effect of Warrior Falls by straight up preventing your cards from getting destroyed. Not to mention the fact that you’re likely going to run into a lot of opponents that want to get their cards destroyed, and throwing in an Armor will help to mess up their plans. As always, you’ll want to end turn 6 with Spectrum to give all your Ongoing cards a +2 Power buff.


The Hood Deadpool Nova Bucky Barnes Forge Carnage Venom Killmonger Wave Deathlok Taskmaster Death

Deadpool decks are going to thrive with Warrior Falls. Deadpool starts at just 1 Power, which means that he’s a very likely candidate for getting destroyed at this location. However, each time he gets destroyed, he returns to your hand with double the Power, meaning you can keep snowballing him until he eventually becomes a real force to reckon with by turn 6. The other cards in here help to round out the rest of your deck, including Bucky Barnes and Nova, as well as The Hood, who doesn’t serve any purpose after you’ve gotten your Demon from him.


The Hood Nova Yondu Bucky Barnes Carnage Mysterio Killmonger Wave Deathlok Aero Magneto Death

Similar to the Deadpool decklist, Deathwave also thrives on cards getting destroyed. Instead of trying to snowball Deadpool, your goal here is to just get as many cards destroyed as possible so that you can have a 0-Cost Death by turn 6. Your Mysterio clones, The Hood, Bucky Barnes, and Nova are all prime targets for getting destroyed at Warrior Falls. Ideally, you’ll want to spend your first four turns destroying cards, play Wave on turn 5, then play Death and either Aero or Magneto together on turn 6 to disrupt your opponent’s final play.

Spectrum Destroyer

Antman Goose Mojo Armor Colossus Mister Fantastic Cosmo Warpath Iron Man Professor X Spectrum Destroyer

Similar to the Spectrum Ongoing list, the Spectrum Destroyer decklist in Marvel Snap also gets around Warrior Falls pretty effectively. It’s a great deck to use if you find yourself running up against tons of Wong + Panther + Arnim Zola decks in the current meta as it completely shuts them down, and it also helps protect your cards from getting destroyed. Cards like Armor, Colossus, and Professor X will let you lock down Warrior Falls, and you can cap off turn 6 with Destroyer or Spectrum, depending on what your first five turns looked like. That does it for our picks for the best Marvel Snap decks to use for Warrior Falls. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.

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Best Marvel Snap Decks for Warrior Falls - 53