Zhiqing Wan

Best Pool 2 Marvel Snap Decks

Your Pool 2 choices are a little limited, but it’s still possible to create some basic decks with a consistent power output to help you climb.

Swarm DiscardSandman Lane ControlDevil Dino

Swarm Discard

Ant-ManBladeIcemanNightcrawlerMorbiusAngelaSwarmWolverineBishopLady SifAmerica ChavezApocalypse

Swarm is a nifty little addition to your discard repertoire in Pool 1, giving you an additional discard target as you flood the board. With both Morbius and Swarm, you’ll be able to increase Morbius’s power output while increasing the number of zero-cost Swarms in your hand to be played on the last turn. If you have Apocalypse in hand, even better. If not, Chavez serves as a nice alternative play on turn 6 as well.

Sandman Lane Control

Ant-ManEbony MawIcemanKorgNightcrawlerAngelaLizardKazarSandmanBlue MarvelKlawSpectrum

The goal with this deck is to play as many of your 1 and 2-cost cards as possible in your first three turns, then play Sandman on turn 4 to limit your opponent’s own plays. Turns 5 and 6 can be followed up with Klaw if you played Ebony Maw, or Blue Marvel, and Spectrum after that.

Devil Dino

Agent 13SunspotCableSentinelThe CollectorStormJessica JonesJubileeWhite QueenDevil DinosaurOdinInfinaut

Devil Dinosaur is easily one of the strongest Marvel Snap cards even in Pool 2, and this deck is a mix between On Reveal abilities and hand size shenanigans. Agent 13, Cable, and Sentinel are all good targets for Odin to help you generate more cards to buff up Collector and and Devil Dino. On the other hand, you have a natural synergy with Sunspot, Jubilee, and Infinaut. Sunspot can gain five power if you skip turn 5 to play Infinaut, while Jubilee has the potentil to cheat him out early. That does it for our picks of the best Pool 2 decks in Marvel Snap. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game, including our picks for the best Pool 1 and Pool 3 decks as well.

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Best Marvel Snap Decks in Pool 2 - 91