The Documents of Edward Snowden

After, in 2013, Edward Snowden unveiled the US government’s mass surveillance system, the journalists involved in the case, namely Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, decided to create a media organization to make known to the public information that many Sometimes they are purposely hidden by governments and other entities. They called it The Intercept. This week, The Intercept, through documents obtained by Edward Snowden, revealed that the US security agency is monitoring all Bitcoin users around the world. The information obtained also indicates that this is one of the major priorities of the NSA at this time. In addition, it is also known that the NSA plan does not just follow Bitcoin users in Blockchain. According to the information disclosed, the US agency continues to actively analyze global data traffic on the Internet and uses software that decreases user privacy.


According to the data revealed, the NSA has been monitoring all the activity of Bitcoin users on the Internet since 2013 through a program called OAKSTAR. In addition, another information leak suggests that an OAKSTAR subprogram called MONEYROCKET is being used to identify the users who initiate the transactions and also those who receive the Bitcoins. According to reports, the NSA is able to collect immense personal information from Bitcoin users, namely passwords, Internet activity and device identifiers. The famous XKeyScore system revealed for the first time in 2013, may also be involved in this scheme. This tool acts as a search engine to thoroughly investigate all about Bitcoin users.


This news came after the US government issued the word of warning about the use of crypto-coins to fund terrorist organizations and money laundering schemes. Eventually, users of crypto-coins who really care about their privacy will choose to use those virtual currencies that, in fact, are able to maintain their true anonymous identity. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.