The Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are both willing to give shares worth $45bn in human potential technology-empowered, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife plan to donate 99pc which are in stock on Facebook to give in charity the shares of both the husband and wife in Facebook the total of $45bn will be part of 99pc. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in an open letter, said, “the donation will promote the next level of children in the field of technology, the donation we are providing to charity trust is taking potential care of those children, and we have agreed to share our $45bn of share in terms of 99PC for those children, this will help those children to stay in touch with technology also they will learn the new way of innovation technology” he said.

Facebook CEO to Donate 99PC From Facebook Stock To Charity

Facebook CEO plans to give $1bn every year, which is only for the next three-year; Zuckerberg will enable voting rights on Facebook for the plan, whether right or wrong, in providing not more than $1bn per year. All these donations and sudden program change have a reason, to become the parents for the first time – in the name of their newborn baby girl Max. In an open letter from Mark Zuckerberg to the world greeting the newborn daughter Max, Melinda Gates, the wife of Microsoft founder, also commented on Zuckerberg’s open letter.” As for your decision to give back so generously, and to deepen your commitment now, the first word that comes to mind is: Wow. The example you’re setting today inspires us and the world. We can be confident that Max and every child born today will grow up in a world that is better than the one we know now. As you say, “seeds planted now will grow.” Your work will bear fruit for many decades to come.” The US-based billionaires also blessed Mark Zuckerberg’s Daughter Max as Business Man Michael Bloomberg: “My hat’s off to Mark for making a decision he’ll never regret and making a difference he’ll forever be remembered for. Devoting his wealth to philanthropy at such a young age will not only benefit people from around the world for decades to come, but it will also set an example for everyone in his generation who has the means to give.” he also said, “Mark’s decision shows that when it comes to philanthropy, 30 is the new 70. The only question is: How many of his peers in Silicon Valley and beyond will join him?”