According to reports from the website downrightnow, the major social networking site, Facebook had faced a possible service disruption yesterday. Facebook users of India have taken the issue on Twitter where they shared about the service disruption. Users have faced difficulties accessing both the mobile app & desktop version of Facebook in India, though it doesn’t appear to have affected everyone. The outage was only limited to India and users took to Twitter to express their concerns. It’s worth to note that the outage also appeared on Facebook-owned Instagram. Instagram was also down at the same time. Users who posted about the outage on Twitter have used the #Facebookdown hashtag to express their concerns. More than 1200 tweets using the #Facebookdown hashtag appeared on Twitter. However, Facebook has 1.8 billion active users. So, it could be a possible service disruption. Facebook has not yet commented anything on the outage. You can check out some of the tweets made by Indian users

— Vivek Pandey🇮🇳 (@nathpurpandey1) January 23, 2019

— Parijat Bodas (@ParijatBodas) January 23, 2019

— Hardik 🍁 (@hardikdamor_) January 23, 2019

— Shridhi Pandya (@ShridhiP) January 23, 2019 So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.