By looking at all these facts Google had come forward to teach internet users some best practices. The search giant has just created a new program that would help young people make ‘smart decisions online’. Although, Google is calling its new educational program is for kids. However, it looks like the program could help young people learn some best practices to dodge internet safety issues. The new program created by Google is called ‘Be Internet Awesome‘ – includes a classroom curriculum and a video game called Interland. Pavni Diwanji, Vice President of the Engineering for kids and families, said in a blog post “For kids to really make the most of the web, we need to provide guidance as they learn to make their own smart decisions online” “With school out and summer break giving kids more time to spend on the Internet, it’s a great time to introduce Be Internet Awesome: a new way to encourage digital safety and citizenship,”

The new program shares lessons on how to limit sharing personal information with people online and it also teaches us to avoid becoming the victim of scams or phishing attacks. It also includes sections on creating strong passwords. Well, the video game Interland could get students interested in the material. The program was developed in collaboration with some online safety experts like the Family Online Safety Institute, the Internet Keep Safe Coalition and ConnectSafely. The program also includes a range of specific resources for kids, educators and parents, which makes it a great way for everyone to learn about best safety practices. You can visit Be Internet Awesome page from here. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.