The condition to end the leaks is a payment of about 6 million dollars in Bitcoin, a figure that the company has not paid to the hackers yet. However, a further leak claims that HBO contacted the hacker to offer them $ 250,000 as bug bounty reward. The e-mail sent by one of the company’s directors offered the cybercriminals the amount as a “reward payment” for having managed to circumvent the HBO system and get the company’s attention, Variety reported. “It has the advantage of having surprised us,” the author of the message wrote the cyber criminals. The offer was sent on July 27 after HBO received the video that reported the security breach of company and rewards to avoid leaks of confidential information. The e-mail was verified by a Variety source, who said the message may have been a company strategy to gain time while assessing the situation after the hack. The e-mail author asked for a week’s worth of payment, which could make sense to the specialist’s theory. On the other hand, the figure is well below the amount requested by the cybercriminals, who claimed a payment of six months of salary and claimed to earn between 12 and 15 million dollars annually. It has not revealed the name of the person who sent the message or if it obtained a response after the “reward” offer. Till to the date, it seems HBO is still exposed to hacking, after last August 8 leaked more information as the private phone of some actors of Game of Thrones and more scripts of new episodes of the seventh season. So, what do you think about this offer made by HBO? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.