The latest feature “Delete For Everyone” let users delete or recall sent messages within seven minutes of sending them. However, according to a Spanish blog, Android Jefe has discovered a new way to get rid of this new feature. The blog shows that the deleted messages on the device can still be accessed by the recipient if the user running Android Nougat or higher version. Users just need to download a third-party app which is known as Notification History to read all the deleted messages. However, its worth to note that the App only shows the deleted text, not photos or videos or any other type of media files. Once you download the app from Google Play Store, you will be able to see the messages that have been deleted from the Android notification log. The post reads “What we found is that the messages are stored in the notification register of the Android system. So, it’s just a matter of entering that record to see the messages that the other person deleted. The Notification History application is a shortcut to that record,” However, the same blog post also claims that users will only get to see the first 100 characters of the messages just like we see in the Notification panel. So, there are possible chance that WhatsApp will roll out another update shortly to avoid getting back the deleted messages. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.